

Posted by 敬方 on July 16, 2024

2024-07-16 15:41:58











rulego 功能&架构



  • 程编排: 支持对规则链组件进行动态编排,不重启应用情况下,替换或者新增业务逻辑。
  • 扩展简单: 提供丰富灵活的扩展接口,可以很容易地实现自定义组件或者引入第三方组件。
  • 动态加载: 支持通过Go plugin 动态加载组件和扩展组件。
  • 规则链嵌套: 支持子规则链嵌套,实现流程复用。
  • 内置大量组件: 消息类型路由,脚本路由,脚本过滤器,脚本转换器,HTTP推送,MQTT推送,发送邮件,日志记录,数据库操作 等组件。可以自行扩展自定义组件。
  • 上下文隔离机制: 可靠的上下文隔离机制,无需担心高并发情况下的数据串流。
  • AOP机制: 允许在不修改规则链或节点的原有逻辑的情况下,对规则链的执行添加额外的行为,或者直接替换原规则链或者节点逻辑。


其核心功能还是以任务系统的链式处理自动化为主,实现了自定义切片、组件函数等多种模式。核心架构如下图: 核心架构图



rulego 代码分析



ruluego 解析json字符串完成规则链的初始化定义,同时完成模板上下文的初始化。从examples/call_rest_service/call_rest_service.go为主要入口,梳理函数调用链路如下: rulego.New(创建新规则引擎) -> newRuleEngine(创建规则引擎对象) -> ruleEngine.ReloadSelf(加载规则配置) -> Parser.DecodeRuleChain(解码types.RuleChain对象) -> InitRuleChainCtx(初始化上下文) -> 完成创建。对应关键代码分析如下:

  • rulego.New
// 最终调用 engine.Pool.New 进行规则引擎的创建
// https://github.com/CNST-AK47/rulego/blob/ef8fe6762e51b6a509d765226d9fb23cb6b139ae/engine/pool.go#75
// New creates a new RuleEngine instance and stores it in the rule chain pool.
// If the specified id is empty, the ruleChain.id from the rule chain file is used.
func (g *Pool) New(id string, rootRuleChainSrc []byte, opts ...types.RuleEngineOption) (types.RuleEngine, error) {
    // Check if an instance with the given ID already exists.
    // 直接从引擎中加载
    if v, ok := g.entries.Load(id); ok {
        return v.(*RuleEngine), nil
    } else {
        // 新增参数设置
        opts = append(opts, types.WithRuleEnginePool(g))
        // Create a new rule engine instance.
        // 创建一个新实例--
        if ruleEngine, err := newRuleEngine(id, rootRuleChainSrc, opts...); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        } else {
            // Store the new rule engine instance in the pool.
            // 将实例放到内存池中
            if ruleEngine.Id() != "" {
                g.entries.Store(ruleEngine.Id(), ruleEngine)
            return ruleEngine, err
  • newRuleEngine
// 创建新的规则引擎推理实例
// https://github.com/CNST-AK47/rulego/blob/688f5f254635ab138d9081314bbb977fd3200c97/engine/engine.go

// newRuleEngine creates a new RuleEngine instance with the given ID and definition.
// It applies the provided RuleEngineOptions during the creation process.
// 创建新规则引擎
func newRuleEngine(id string, def []byte, opts ...types.RuleEngineOption) (*RuleEngine, error) {
 if len(def) == 0 {
  return nil, errors.New("def can not nil")
 // Create a new RuleEngine with the Id
 // 创建对应的规则引擎对象
 ruleEngine := &RuleEngine{
  id:            id,
  Config:        NewConfig(), // 配置项
  ruleChainPool: DefaultPool,
 // 加载规则引擎配置
 err := ruleEngine.ReloadSelf(def, opts...)
 if err == nil && ruleEngine.rootRuleChainCtx != nil {
  if id != "" {
   // 设置规则引擎上下文Id
   ruleEngine.rootRuleChainCtx.Id = types.RuleNodeId{Id: id, Type: types.CHAIN}
  } else {
   // Use the rule chain ID if no ID is provided.
   ruleEngine.id = ruleEngine.rootRuleChainCtx.Id.Id
 // Set the aspect lists.
 // 设置切面,
 startAspects, endAspects, completedAspects := ruleEngine.Aspects.GetChainAspects()
 // 设置开始切面
 ruleEngine.startAspects = startAspects
 // 设置结束切面
 ruleEngine.endAspects = endAspects
 // 设置环绕切面
 ruleEngine.completedAspects = completedAspects

 return ruleEngine, err
  • ruleEngine.ReloadSelf(加载规则)
// https://github.com/CNST-AK47/rulego/blob/688f5f254635ab138d9081314bbb977fd3200c97/engine/engine.go
// 执行规则加载
// ReloadSelf 重新加载规则链
func (e *RuleEngine) ReloadSelf(def []byte, opts ...types.RuleEngineOption) error {
 // Apply the options to the RuleEngine.
 for _, opt := range opts {
  _ = opt(e)
 // 检查是否已经初始化--用于重新加载规则时使用
 if e.Initialized() {
  if len(e.Aspects) == 0 {
  e.rootRuleChainCtx.config = e.Config
  err := e.rootRuleChainCtx.ReloadSelf(def)
  return err
 } else {
  // 进行规则解析,解析对应的规则结构体
  if ctx, err := e.Config.Parser.DecodeRuleChain(e.Config, e.Aspects, def); err == nil {
   if e.rootRuleChainCtx != nil {
    ctx.(*RuleChainCtx).Id = e.rootRuleChainCtx.Id
   e.rootRuleChainCtx = ctx.(*RuleChainCtx)
   _, _, createdAspects, _, _ := e.Aspects.GetEngineAspects()
   for _, aop := range createdAspects {
    // 创建对应的aop点
    if err := aop.OnCreated(e.rootRuleChainCtx); err != nil {
     return err
   e.initialized = true
   return nil
  } else {
   return err


  • Parser.DecodeRuleChain
// 进行规则链解析
// https://github.com/CNST-AK47/rulego/blob/688f5f254635ab138d9081314bbb977fd3200c97/engine/parser.go
// 进行基础规则解析
func (p *JsonParser) DecodeRuleChain(config types.Config, aspects types.AspectList, dsl []byte) (types.Node, error) {
    // 解析加载types.RuleChain
    if rootRuleChainDef, err := ParserRuleChain(dsl); err == nil {
        // 进行规则引擎初始化
        return InitRuleChainCtx(config, aspects, &rootRuleChainDef)
    } else {
        return nil, err

// .......

// ParserRuleChain 通过json解析规则链结构体
// 将其解析为rulechain对象
func ParserRuleChain(rootRuleChain []byte) (types.RuleChain, error) {
    var def types.RuleChain
    err := json.Unmarshal(rootRuleChain, &def)
    return def, err

  • InitRuleChainCtx
// 初始化规则引擎上下文
// https://github.com/CNST-AK47/rulego/blob/688f5f254635ab138d9081314bbb977fd3200c97/engine/chain.go

// InitRuleChainCtx initializes a RuleChainCtx with the given configuration, aspects, and rule chain definition.
// 初始化规则链上下文
func InitRuleChainCtx(config types.Config, aspects types.AspectList, ruleChainDef *types.RuleChain) (*RuleChainCtx, error) {
 // Retrieve aspects for the engine.
 // 获取切面上下文
 chainBeforeInitAspects, _, _, afterReloadAspects, destroyAspects := aspects.GetEngineAspects()
 // 执行规则引擎初始化函数
 for _, aspect := range chainBeforeInitAspects {
  // 规则引擎初始化的节点
  if err := aspect.OnChainBeforeInit(ruleChainDef); err != nil {
   return nil, err

 // Initialize a new RuleChainCtx with the provided configuration and aspects.
 // 初始化规则链上下文
 var ruleChainCtx = &RuleChainCtx{
  config:             config,                                              // 配置信息
  SelfDefinition:     ruleChainDef,                                        // 规则链定义
  nodes:              make(map[types.RuleNodeId]types.NodeCtx),            // 规则链中节点
  nodeRoutes:         make(map[types.RuleNodeId][]types.RuleNodeRelation), // 规则链中节点关联列表
  relationCache:      make(map[RelationCache][]types.NodeCtx),             // 对应缓存
  componentsRegistry: config.ComponentsRegistry,                           // 全局组件注册器
  initialized:        true,                                                // 师傅已经初始化
  aspects:            aspects,                                             // 切面
  afterReloadAspects: afterReloadAspects,                                  // 重载后切片
  destroyAspects:     destroyAspects,                                      // 销毁切片
 // Set the ID of the rule chain context if provided in the definition.
 if ruleChainDef.RuleChain.ID != "" {
  ruleChainCtx.Id = types.RuleNodeId{Id: ruleChainDef.RuleChain.ID, Type: types.CHAIN}
 // Process the rule chain configuration's vars and secrets.
 // 进行规则链中配置上下文的处理
 if ruleChainDef != nil && ruleChainDef.RuleChain.Configuration != nil {
  // 获取定义配置
  varsConfig := ruleChainDef.RuleChain.Configuration[types.Vars]
  // 将其转变为map
  ruleChainCtx.vars = str.ToStringMapString(varsConfig)
  // 获取环境配置
  envConfig := ruleChainDef.RuleChain.Configuration[types.Secrets]
  // 加密信息
  secrets := str.ToStringMapString(envConfig)
  // 解密信息
  ruleChainCtx.decryptSecrets = decryptSecret(secrets, []byte(config.SecretKey))
 // 获取节点列表
 nodeLen := len(ruleChainDef.Metadata.Nodes)
 ruleChainCtx.nodeIds = make([]types.RuleNodeId, nodeLen)
 // Load all node information.
 // 加载所有节点
 for index, item := range ruleChainDef.Metadata.Nodes {
  if item.Id == "" {
   item.Id = fmt.Sprintf(defaultNodeIdPrefix+"%d", index)
  ruleNodeId := types.RuleNodeId{Id: item.Id, Type: types.NODE}
  ruleChainCtx.nodeIds[index] = ruleNodeId
  // 初始化节点上下文
  ruleNodeCtx, err := InitRuleNodeCtx(config, ruleChainCtx, aspects, item)
  if err != nil {
   return nil, err
  // 更新节点上下文
  ruleChainCtx.nodes[ruleNodeId] = ruleNodeCtx
 // Load node relationship information.
 // 登记节点之间的关联关系
 for _, item := range ruleChainDef.Metadata.Connections {
  inNodeId := types.RuleNodeId{Id: item.FromId, Type: types.NODE}
  outNodeId := types.RuleNodeId{Id: item.ToId, Type: types.NODE}
  ruleNodeRelation := types.RuleNodeRelation{
   InId:         inNodeId,
   OutId:        outNodeId,
   RelationType: item.Type,
  // 查询节点关系
  nodeRelations, ok := ruleChainCtx.nodeRoutes[inNodeId]

  if ok {
   nodeRelations = append(nodeRelations, ruleNodeRelation)
  } else {
   nodeRelations = []types.RuleNodeRelation{ruleNodeRelation}
  // 更新节点路由
  ruleChainCtx.nodeRoutes[inNodeId] = nodeRelations
 // Load sub-rule chains.
 // 加载子规则链关联关系
 for _, item := range ruleChainDef.Metadata.RuleChainConnections {
  inNodeId := types.RuleNodeId{Id: item.FromId, Type: types.NODE}
  outNodeId := types.RuleNodeId{Id: item.ToId, Type: types.CHAIN}
  ruleChainRelation := types.RuleNodeRelation{
   InId:         inNodeId,
   OutId:        outNodeId,
   RelationType: item.Type,
  // 查询子规则接入节点
  nodeRelations, ok := ruleChainCtx.nodeRoutes[inNodeId]
  if ok {
   nodeRelations = append(nodeRelations, ruleChainRelation)
  } else {
   nodeRelations = []types.RuleNodeRelation{ruleChainRelation}
  // 更新关系
  ruleChainCtx.nodeRoutes[inNodeId] = nodeRelations
 // Initialize the root rule context.
 // 初始化根节点上下文
 if firstNode, ok := ruleChainCtx.GetFirstNode(); ok {
  ruleChainCtx.rootRuleContext = NewRuleContext(context.TODO(), ruleChainCtx.config, ruleChainCtx, nil,
   firstNode, config.Pool, nil, nil)
 } else {
  // If there are no nodes, initialize an empty node context.
  // 初始化一个空节点上下文
  ruleNodeCtx, _ := InitRuleNodeCtx(config, ruleChainCtx, aspects, &types.RuleNode{})
  ruleChainCtx.rootRuleContext = NewRuleContext(context.TODO(), ruleChainCtx.config, ruleChainCtx, nil,
   ruleNodeCtx, config.Pool, nil, nil)
  ruleChainCtx.isEmpty = true

 return ruleChainCtx, nil


rulego的核心推理过程,从入口RuleEngine.OnMsg进行处理,核心处理流程如下: RuleEngine.OnMsg(消息处理入口) -> RuleEngine.onMsgAndWait(核心消息处理) -> DefaultRuleContext.tellOrElse(上下文处理函数) -> DefaultRuleContext.tellNext(节点自处理)-> DefaultRuleContext.NewNextNodeRuleContext(创建节点执行上下文) -> Node.OnMsg(执行节点函数) -> DefaultRuleContext.DoOnEnd(结束执行)

  • RuleEngine.onMsgAndWait(核心消息处理)
// engine/engine.go
// onMsgAndWait processes a message through the rule engine, optionally waiting for all nodes to complete.
// It applies any provided RuleContextOptions to customize the execution context.
// 进行核心的规则处理
func (e *RuleEngine) onMsgAndWait(msg types.RuleMsg, wait bool, opts ...types.RuleContextOption) {
 // 规则上下文不为空,赋值上下文
 if e.rootRuleChainCtx != nil {
  // Create a copy of the root context for processing the message.
  rootCtx := e.rootRuleChainCtx.rootRuleContext.(*DefaultRuleContext)
  // 进行复制
  rootCtxCopy := NewRuleContext(
  // 设置是否为第一个
  rootCtxCopy.isFirst = rootCtx.isFirst
  // 设置运行时闪照
  rootCtxCopy.runSnapshot = NewRunSnapshot(msg.Id, rootCtxCopy.ruleChainCtx, time.Now().UnixMilli())
  // Apply the provided options to the context copy.
  // 进行上下文设置
  for _, opt := range opts {
  // Handle the case where the rule chain has no nodes.
  if rootCtxCopy.ruleChainCtx.isEmpty {
   e.onErrHandler(msg, rootCtxCopy, errors.New("the rule chain has no nodes"))
  if rootCtxCopy.initErr != nil {
   e.onErrHandler(msg, rootCtxCopy, rootCtxCopy.initErr)
  // Execute start aspects and update the message accordingly.
  // 执行启动切片
  msg = e.onStart(rootCtxCopy, msg)

  // Set up a custom end callback function.
  customOnEndFunc := rootCtxCopy.onEnd
  // 设置最终结尾处理函数
  rootCtxCopy.onEnd = func(ctx types.RuleContext, msg types.RuleMsg, err error, relationType string) {
   // Execute end aspects and update the message accordingly.
   // 先执行引擎结束处理
   msg = e.onEnd(rootCtxCopy, msg, err, relationType)
   // Trigger the custom end callback if provided.
   if customOnEndFunc != nil {
    // 触发终结处理函数
    customOnEndFunc(ctx, msg, err, relationType)

  // Set up a custom function to be called upon completion of all nodes.
  customFunc := rootCtxCopy.onAllNodeCompleted
  // If waiting is required, set up a channel to synchronize the completion.
  // 确认等待,则需要所有都执行完了,再继续
  if wait {
   c := make(chan struct{})
   rootCtxCopy.onAllNodeCompleted = func() {
    defer close(c)
    // Execute the completion handling function.
    e.doOnAllNodeCompleted(rootCtxCopy, msg, customFunc)
   // Process the message through the rule chain.
   // 优先处理接下来的
   rootCtxCopy.TellNext(msg, rootCtxCopy.firstNodeRelationTypes...)
   // Block until all nodes have completed.
  } else {
   // If not waiting, simply set the completion handling function.
   // 不需要等待,直接异步执行
   rootCtxCopy.onAllNodeCompleted = func() {
    e.doOnAllNodeCompleted(rootCtxCopy, msg, customFunc)
   // Process the message through the rule chain.
   rootCtxCopy.TellNext(msg, rootCtxCopy.firstNodeRelationTypes...)

 } else {
  // Log an error if the rule engine is not initialized or the root rule chain is not defined.
  e.Config.Logger.Printf("onMsg error.RuleEngine not initialized")
  • DefaultRuleContext.tellOrElse(节点自处理)
// tellNext 通知执行子节点,如果是当前第一个节点则执行当前节点
// 如果找不到relationTypes对应的节点,而且defaultRelationType非默认值,则通过defaultRelationType查找节点
func (ctx *DefaultRuleContext) tellOrElse(msg types.RuleMsg, err error, defaultRelationType string, relationTypes ...string) {
	//msgCopy := msg.Copy()
	if ctx.isFirst {
		// 执行自身
		ctx.tellSelf(msg, err, relationTypes...)
	} else {
		if relationTypes == nil {
			ctx.DoOnEnd(msg, err, "")
		} else {
			for _, relationType := range relationTypes {
				//执行After aop
				// 返回执行后的结果
				msg = ctx.executeAfterAop(msg, err, relationType)
				var ok = false
				var nodes []types.NodeCtx
				nodes, ok = ctx.getNextNodes(relationType)
				if defaultRelationType != "" && (!ok || len(nodes) == 0) && !ctx.skipTellNext {
					nodes, ok = ctx.getNextNodes(defaultRelationType)
				if ok && !ctx.skipTellNext {
					for _, item := range nodes {
						tmp := item
						msgCopy := msg.Copy()
						ctx.SubmitTack(func() {
							ctx.tellNext(msgCopy, tmp, relationType)
				} else {
					ctx.DoOnEnd(msg, err, relationType)
  • DefaultRuleContext.tellNext(节点自处理)


// engine/engine.go
// 执行下一个节点
func (ctx *DefaultRuleContext) tellNext(msg types.RuleMsg, nextNode types.NodeCtx, relationType string) {
	defer func() {
		if e := recover(); e != nil {
			//执行After aop
			msg = ctx.executeAfterAop(msg, fmt.Errorf("%v", e), relationType)
	// 创建新的节点上下文
	nextCtx := ctx.NewNextNodeRuleContext(nextNode)

	if !nextCtx.executeAroundAop(msg, relationType) {
	// AroundAop 已经执行节点OnMsg逻辑,不再执行下面的逻辑
	// 执行节点Msg处理函数
	nextNode.OnMsg(nextCtx, msg)
  • JsTransformNode.OnMsg(节点执行)


// OnMsg 处理消息
func (x *JsTransformNode) OnMsg(ctx types.RuleContext, msg types.RuleMsg) {
	// 预定义数据
	var data interface{} = msg.Data
	// 进行数据解析
	if msg.DataType == types.JSON {
		var dataMap interface{}
		if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(msg.Data), &dataMap); err == nil {
			data = dataMap
		} else {
			data = make(map[string]interface{})
	// 执行js数据过滤指令
	// 获取输出
	out, err := x.jsEngine.Execute("Transform", data, msg.Metadata.Values(), msg.Type)
	if err != nil {
		ctx.TellFailure(msg, err)
	} else {
		// 转换输出数据为map
		formatData, ok := out.(map[string]interface{})
		if ok {
			// 更新msg对应值
			if formatMsgType, ok := formatData[types.MsgTypeKey]; ok {
				msg.Type = string2.ToString(formatMsgType)

			if formatMetaData, ok := formatData[types.MetadataKey]; ok {
				msg.Metadata = types.BuildMetadata(string2.ToStringMapString(formatMetaData))

			if formatMsgData, ok := formatData[types.MsgKey]; ok {
				// 设置新值
				if newValue, err := string2.ToStringMaybeErr(formatMsgData); err == nil {
					msg.Data = newValue
				} else {
					ctx.TellFailure(msg, err)
			// 进行下一步的运算--这个是关键
			ctx.TellNext(msg, types.Success)
		} else {
			ctx.TellFailure(msg, JsTransformReturnFormatErr)
